
Grasshorse Learning Material

GrasshorseLearn YouTube Learning Tutorials

Overview for gh.lan

Network via pfsense for lan IP sb 252.1

  1. youtube - ghlearn Network Overview 2020
  2. youtube - ghlearn gh.lan Network Detail detail index document - ghlanOverviewDetail

Storage via freenas for lan IP

  1. youtube - ghlearn Storage Gateway Part1 - Media Share - document - Netstack FreeNAS - Setup
  2. youtube - ghlearn Storage Gateway Part2 - Create DataSet - document - Netstack FreeNAS - Setup
  3. youtube - ghlearn Storage Gateway Part3 - TestStorage

Compute via xcp-ng for lan IP

  1. tbd youtube - compute -

Document via gitlab for lan IP

  1. tbd youtube - document -


  1. tbd youtube - backup -


Pulled from 2cld/gh/docs/ —- —-

gh docs

Documents for Grasshorse Workflows

Video Learning GrasshorseLearn

Grasshorse Netstack 3 service gateways

Grasshorse Network Gateway configuration with

Grasshorse Storage Gateway configuration with

  1. Storage Gateway configuration youtube - Part 1 - Media Share setup using document - Netstack Freenas - Setup
    1. Pool Setup local link - Storage/Pools/EditPermissions on catFreeNAS
    2. Sharing Setup local link - Sharing/SMB/Edit on catFreeNAS
  2. Storage Gateway configuration youtube - Part 2a - Create a new dataset following the document - Netstack Freenas - Setup - SMB Share
    1. Check Status of pool TC 1:49
    2. Add “TestStorage” dataset TC 3:20
    3. Skip (instructions add “Projects” and “Public” datasets)
    4. Create user/group testuser TC 5:25
    5. Skip nsprojects
    6. Skip nspubuser
    7. Add TestStorage SMB share TC 13:20 I forgot and had to come back to this later.
    8. Edit ACL on TestStorage TC 8:52
    9. Skip
    10. Skip
    11. RESTART SMB Service TC 10:13
    12. Verify TestStorge SMB share via File Browse
    13. Windows 10 SMB Share browse TC 10:42 then after SMB share TC 15:27
      • Open File Exploer
      • Type \ into path bar
      • Windows should request credintials (input testuser and pw)
    14. Windows 10 Map Network Drive TC 11:00
      • Right click on “This PC”
      • Select “Map network drive…”
      • Select Drive to map: “Z:”
      • Folder: “\sg.ns.lan” (or \
      • Reconnect at sign-in: checked (yes)
      • Connect using different credentials: checked (yes)
      • Enter credentials: nsprouser - thepasswordyouset
      • Finish
    15. The END - You should have access I ran out of time on the video to show the auth logic
  3. Storage Gateway Review youtube - Part2b - TestStorage Review
    1. Explain Remote Setup TC 1:43 with, and Microsoft Remote Desktop.
    2. Explain IP Address Mappings of Network, Storage and Compute Gateways TC 4:30 document - NetStack - LAN
    3. Windows 10 Map Network Drive Fail again TC 11:00
    4. Windows 10 Map Network Drive with user Fail TC 13:35
    5. FreeNAS ACL on TestStorage Share TC 13:48
    6. FreeNAS Lookup testuser info TC 14:40
    7. Windows 10 Map Network Drive with testuser TC 16:00 but fail due to SMB only ONE user
    8. Explain Pool ACL on Media and why SMB sucks TC 19:00
    9. Start to bitch about gh current setup and why I need to clean house TC 21:27
  4. Storage Gateway SMB Client Access
    1. tbd TC
    2. tbd TC
    3. tbd TC
    4. tbd TC
    5. tbd TC
    6. tbd TC
    7. tbd TC
    8. tbd TC
    9. tbd TC
    10. tbd TC

Compute Gateway configuration


  1. Grasshorse Artist Overview
  2. Grasshorse Artist Workflow
  3. Grasshorse rendergrid Overview
  4. Grasshorse rendergrid Workflow
  5. Grasshorse rendergrid Manage Grid
  6. Grasshorse rendergrid Farm - Shared Storage


Grasshorse rendernode bn000template](bn000template.html) setup Grasshorse rendernode ghrenderService](ghrenderService.html) create

FIX Notes